Its unfortunate that many people live their whole life on this earth without knowing what they are truly capable of. We are constantly creating and bringing new things into our existance, whether we are aware of it or not. Our abilities are remarkable and once we can tap into it we can truly be in the driver seat of our destiny. There are NO LIMITATIONS except the ones you put on yourself.
One Half Of The Dopest Pop/Songwriting Duo "The Spacesuit Junkies". Nothing but positivity, prosperity, wealth, and abundance.. This blog is meant to empower and show you what you can manifest once you get into the right vibration.. Aim For Your Zenith
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
How To Define Success...
Not everyone has the same definition of success, or considers having the biggest house on the block a personal victory. Some people are over joyed with the simple things because that's what makes them happy. Earning10k might be great to some, while others wont be happy unless they make over 100k.
At the end of the day the only thing that matters is your happiness and well being. We should all aim to reach our own personal abundance. Everyone has something that drives them, shoot for whatever keeps that boat floating.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Appreciate Now!!!
Once we begin to appreciate the things in our life as they are, abundance will become a frequent visitor. Appreciate your life and all the amazing people, places, and things God has brought to you. We take so much for granted and sometimes dont realize how blessed we really are. Take a moment to reflect and you'll see exactly what I mean.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Tunnel Vision
Stay prayed up and never give up on the things you believe strongest in, often times that is what ends up making you most successful. All those outside distractions are just that, DISTRACTIONS! Keep your eyes fixed on what you want. The struggle is only temporary, keep that tunnel vision!