Thursday, November 27, 2014

Be Thankful Everyday

Thanksgiving is an awesome time in my life. I get to chill with family and friends, stuff my face, and have an excuse to act an ass and not be judged haha! With that being said everyone have a blessed thanksgiving, embrace everything your thankful for, not just today but year round. I guarantee you'll see a change in your life.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Celebrate your wins!!

Every milestone you achieve should be celebrated no matter how small. We have the tendency to devalue our smaller victories. Although we have larger goals we strive for, we should celebrate every step along the way. I make sure to treat myself every time one of my goals gets smashed. Go out for drinks, have a celebration dinner, throw a party, hit the beach, etc... Do whatever it is that allows you to reflect on the accomplishment then go head hunting for that next goal. Now let's get it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


This stat right here is a true testament to not being afraid to fail. Kobe has missed more shots than anyone in NBA history, yet he is one of the most successful and prolific scorers the league has seen. You cannot shake this mans confidence. Don't let a measly failure shake you up, those are minor compared to where we are headed, keep that "I'm the shit mentality and keep shooting" success is right around the corner! Hope this gets you through your hump day. Peace!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Let It Gooo

People have a problem when it comes to letting things go, Ill admit I do too. The biggest road block I've seen when it comes to manifesting what you want is freeing yourself.  Getting rid of those negative feelings about someone can be difficult, but once we get clear there is nothing that will block our blessings. Were all human and have the tendency to have human moments, but if we can genuinely forgive and let go, God brings more of what we want. Move forward and leave that negative shit...


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Repeat after me..
"Cant NOBODY tell me that I cant get it!" This is the mentality I carry with me where ever I go. I expect great things to happen in my life, so when things come to fruition, its not a surprise, its expected. Being a black male in society people say the odds are against us, so I stick to my mentality and expect to be prosperous regardless. No matter your race you can win, I see it happening all around me... Don't let what people say alter your dreams..
