Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Dopest Room In The House

I always thought it would be cool to stunt on my peers with a dope library room in my dream home. Learning is an ongoing process, there is always more useful material to soak up. I like to encourage everyone I come across to read books and listen to positive things everyday via YouTube and audio books.  The basis for real wealth is knowledge.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Be Thankful Everyday

Thanksgiving is an awesome time in my life. I get to chill with family and friends, stuff my face, and have an excuse to act an ass and not be judged haha! With that being said everyone have a blessed thanksgiving, embrace everything your thankful for, not just today but year round. I guarantee you'll see a change in your life.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Celebrate your wins!!

Every milestone you achieve should be celebrated no matter how small. We have the tendency to devalue our smaller victories. Although we have larger goals we strive for, we should celebrate every step along the way. I make sure to treat myself every time one of my goals gets smashed. Go out for drinks, have a celebration dinner, throw a party, hit the beach, etc... Do whatever it is that allows you to reflect on the accomplishment then go head hunting for that next goal. Now let's get it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


This stat right here is a true testament to not being afraid to fail. Kobe has missed more shots than anyone in NBA history, yet he is one of the most successful and prolific scorers the league has seen. You cannot shake this mans confidence. Don't let a measly failure shake you up, those are minor compared to where we are headed, keep that "I'm the shit mentality and keep shooting" success is right around the corner! Hope this gets you through your hump day. Peace!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Let It Gooo

People have a problem when it comes to letting things go, Ill admit I do too. The biggest road block I've seen when it comes to manifesting what you want is freeing yourself.  Getting rid of those negative feelings about someone can be difficult, but once we get clear there is nothing that will block our blessings. Were all human and have the tendency to have human moments, but if we can genuinely forgive and let go, God brings more of what we want. Move forward and leave that negative shit...


Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Repeat after me..
"Cant NOBODY tell me that I cant get it!" This is the mentality I carry with me where ever I go. I expect great things to happen in my life, so when things come to fruition, its not a surprise, its expected. Being a black male in society people say the odds are against us, so I stick to my mentality and expect to be prosperous regardless. No matter your race you can win, I see it happening all around me... Don't let what people say alter your dreams..


Monday, October 20, 2014

Self Sabotage

Its the simplest things can build or break our success. Attention to detail is very important. Often times we have a potential opportunity staring us right in the face and we don't capitalize on it, we are not even aware that it is an opportunity at all. God lines up many solutions for us to use to our advantage, they all contribute to our greatness. Just let the universe work. Be intuitive. Make that phone call. Take that meeting. Buy that book. Don't be so quick to dismiss things as unimportant.  Self sabotage is real! Dope situations are all around us, don't let them pass you by...


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Faith over Fear

If you want something go and get it. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Start saying "It will happen" and not "I hope it happens". Eliminate that lingering doubt and realize things can end up just the way you want them to. If there's doubters in your circle tell them to "Shut The *#$& Up" and make that circle smaller. Its your life and you control your destiny. Faith Over FEAR.
Sorry I'm on one at the moment.


Monday, September 22, 2014

Stay Inspired

I had such a dope experience in NY this past week, it put things into perspective for me.  Seeing successful people, hearing stories, and the history in the city makes me go harder. With that being said appreciate everything around you. The simplest things can bring forth a drive in us that we never thought was possible. There are many things that we can gain inspiration from, all we have to do is look around. Stay Inspired.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Life is like a Bike

I compare life to a bike. I know it sounds weird but I'm being forreal. In order to achieve success we must continue to move forward. We can't pedal once and expect to go anywhere, what we can expect is to lose our balance and fall flat on our faces. Once we learn to keep pushing on those pedals we will see the momentum in our life start to build up and sooner than later a tsunami of blessings will take over your life. Keep riding that bike. That's what I'm on...


Thursday, September 4, 2014

An Unlikely Aid

Misfortune is actually an aid that pushes us in the direction of our true desire. Don't let your opportunities fly by you.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Knowledge Of Self

Its unfortunate that many people live their whole life on this earth without knowing what they are truly capable of.  We are constantly creating and bringing new things into our existance, whether we are aware of it or not. Our abilities are remarkable and once we can tap into it we can truly be in the driver seat of our destiny. There are NO LIMITATIONS except the ones you put on yourself.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How To Define Success...

Not everyone has the same definition of success, or considers having the biggest house on the block a personal victory. Some people are over joyed with the simple things because that's what makes them happy. Earning10k might be great to some, while others wont be happy unless they make over 100k.

At the end of the day the only thing that matters is your happiness and well being. We should all aim to reach our own personal abundance. Everyone has something that drives them, shoot for whatever keeps that boat floating.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Appreciate Now!!!

Once we begin to appreciate the things in our life as they are, abundance will become a frequent visitor. Appreciate your life and all the amazing people, places, and things God has brought to you. We take so much for granted and sometimes dont realize how blessed we really are. Take a moment to reflect and you'll see exactly what I mean.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tunnel Vision

Happy Thursday. Im writing this fresh off two important meetings that literally just went down this week. Its so good to see that the things you've been visualizing are coming to fruition. You cant tell me that positive thinking and visualization dont work, theres to much evidence that states otherwise.
Stay prayed up and never give up on the things you believe strongest in, often times that is what ends up making you most successful. All those outside distractions are just that, DISTRACTIONS! Keep your eyes fixed on what you want. The struggle is only temporary, keep that tunnel vision!


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Live life through you, not the tube

In the age of reality television we always should be be mindful of what we are focusing on. Instead of living life through others, we should focus on making our life better. Not that TV is bad, but don't let it consume you, life is way to dope. Dedicate some time to YOURSELF if you want to become "The Shit" excuse my french.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Make Your Canvas Dope!

So yesterday me and my brothers had a discussion regarding the question, "does art imitate life or does life imitate art?" Which brings me to my blog post.

Everything we do in life is art. The way we choose to live is uniquely our own. There's an art to how we do everything. Our lives are our canvas and we are the artists, make your canvas dope!


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Enjoy The Route To Your Destination

Always keep your eyes on the end destination regardless of the path that is taken to get there. The only thing that matters is that you end up where you planned. Everyones navigation system is a little different, all those wrong turns and detours make the destination that much sweeter once we arrive. Appreciate life and its contrasts, if everything was the same this shit would be boring.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Be A Part Of Something Great

Is your dream only about chasing the cream, or would you give that up to play for the winningest team?  Would you rather be rich or wealthy?? Once your a part of something great the joy, wealth, and riches will have no choice but to come your way.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Blueprint

We all have things we want to accomplish in life. Why make it difficult? There has been a blueprint already laid out. Learn from others mistakes and follow those that have mastered their craft. Do the things that winners do and add your own swag to it. There's no need to start from scratch, just follow the proven system and let's get crackin!!! This one is for the money!!


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fortune Favors The Bold

Success is about taking risks. Be Bold, Carry A Big Stick, Know That Your The Shit regardless or what anyone has to say. Just because it hasnt been done don't mean shit to a go getter, it only says that were gunna be the first one to do it! Its not a risk if your extra confident about the situation. What others might view as dangerous you view as another opportunity. Dont be afraid to jump off the plane, trust that your parachute will open.
Let's all be successful...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dont Be An Observer Be A Visionary

Visionaries thrive in all times no matter the circumstances, they see the future instead of seeing things as they are in their current state. If you look throughout time the most successful people were visionaries. Even if life isnt the way you want it to be right now envision things the way you would like it to be in the future. Actually dont just envision it but EXPECT IT! We walk by faith not by sight.


Monday, June 9, 2014

For A Door To Close It Has To Be Partially Open

This week I want to talk about something that Ive learned first hand. For a door to close it has to be partially opened first, people often dwell on the fact that a great opportunity has closed, that may now be the case but at one time that door was opened. In order to live without being regretful of things that have passed us by we must dive in and take action. If you see an opportunity present itself, dont sit on the sideline and question it, that will only make you second guess yourself. Experience is the best teacher, the sooner you take action the sooner you will learn, dont be afraid to make the jump. Have a blessed week and continue to AimForYourZenith! Deuces!


Monday, June 2, 2014

The power of collective genius

Its funny how parents are so concerned and adamant about the people their children are hanging out with, but don't take that same concern when choosing the people they associate with. If you hang out with dogs you catch fleas. Choose the people around you wisely.
Like minded people that are where you want to be, and have the same vision, can bring you to new heights. I'm on this journey just like y'all! From what I've experienced, and the books I've read, success is won due to your inner circle or brain trust. Think of any successful person, now look at their story, its clear to see this has been practiced. I hope this motivates you to go out and start evaluating your circle for the better. Be blessed peeps.


Monday, May 26, 2014

What ever you focus on is focusing on you

You are a match to whatever you are focused on in life. If your focusing on undesirable things, then you can expect your life to be undesirable. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you gear your thoughts and energy towards prosperity you better believe that is whats happening. Reading positive material and listening to positive things has been the easiest way for me to get on the right track in any aspect of life. (health, fitness, money etc.) Get your mind out of the gutter and get your thoughts right. Go out and Aim For Your Zenith. Happy Memorial Day have a safe one. Deuces!


Monday, May 19, 2014

Dont Let Negativity Fester

A good relationship can end because of miscommunication. Sometimes an issue that can easily be resolved by talking it out can turn into something much bigger. If individuals do not speak on what issue is bothering them right when it happens, things can boil over. Things can turn from a small issue to a huge issue very quickly. The moral of the story is to cut the weeds in the garden ASAP before they end up killing all the harvest that you've worked so hard to create.


Monday, May 12, 2014

Get rid of that larger than life ego

Sometimes the biggest obstacle to success is an even bigger EGO. Learning and taking advice from others is a must. Many people are too stubborn or ego driven to realize how helpful working together is. We don't know it all, and we don't always have the right answers. Talented people are often missing the one ingredient that will take them to the top. Many times a hidden gem lies within the people we take advice from. So take some time to listen because swallowing your pride is the best medicine.


Monday, May 5, 2014

Motivation. Get You Some!!!

Moneys cool but you can't buy motivation. Its one of those things that you can't put a price on, but it can drive you to tremendous wealth and prosperity. If motivation eludes you, ask yourself a simple question, "why?". Why do I do this? Why am I working so hard? Why won't I quit?

After questioning yourself you will see how easy it is to become motivated, its like a cheat code in a video game that allows you to blow past any obstacle, on any level, without being stopped. This simple technique is what I've done to keep going and its bringing my dreams to fruition...  ;)


Monday, April 28, 2014

Too Good To Be True?

Too good to be true is a phrase used by those who lack faith. Think about it, what we are saying is "this extraordinary amount of awesomeness couldn't happen to me, no way."  We need to shake the mentality of being undeserving, and understand that great things come to those that believe its already theirs! Now go out and have the best week ever!


Monday, April 21, 2014

You cant please everyone

I think its unfortunate when people live their lives trying to please everyone except themselves. I guarantee if you live life this way, the end result will be disappointing. You cant please everyone, everyone is not going to like you or what you stand for, some will despise you, some are just jealous.

 On my journey ive realized this more and more. Its all about YOU, do things that make YOU happy, be the person YOU want to be, don't let society shape YOU!

When you spend time doing things that fulfill your desires, you will start seeing stress disappear, and that lingering doubt will transform into confidence. The people that appreciate you will begin to enter your life. So today's wise words are "DO YOU!"


Monday, April 14, 2014

You Cant Rush Greatness

Patience, we know its necessary but don't practice it enough. There's nothing better than instant gratification, and in a perfect world we would get what we want exactly when we want it. With the right thoughts we can make OUR world perfect, but it takes time and many of us are not there yet.

Patience allows us to sit back and analyze instead of jumping the gun and making a bad decision. It will allow you to be stress free instead of getting frustrated because what you want hasn't happened yet.

It all boils down to your belief system, if you truly know and understand that your goals will come to fruition, no negativity or doubt will ever creep into your head. The best things in life will happen a lot quicker once we practice Patience. Don't believe me just watch ;)


Monday, April 7, 2014

The Oak Sleeps in the Acorn

Every great achievement was at first a dream. As you dream you become. From the most grandiose invention to that billion dollar company, all things have the same origin, our thoughts.

Once we plant positive seeds in our lives positive results will blossom, negative seeds result in a bad harvest, and if we do nothing at all weeds will grow. Weeds grow without proper up-keep of any garden. So work on that green thumb and watch your life shift!


Monday, March 31, 2014

Bring Light To A Dark Situation

Life isn't always a smooth ride. We might have some bumps in the road, or things that throw us off course, im here to tell you that ITS OK! Sometimes we may think the situation or circumstance, that rudely interrupted us, is the end of the world. Think again my friend. We must live in the moment and understand that within a misfortune, although it may seem terrible, lies a lesson. This lesson could have possibly prevented something even worse from happening to you.
Life is real good a throwing different experiences your way, and in the long run it will create a better you. It may be difficult to realize when its happening, but once you sit back and analyze it, there is always something to be learned that will alter your path for the better.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Focus On Today

To often we find ourselves worrying about what the future holds. Honestly the only thing that matters is today, thats all we have to ability to control. Once we focus on today we are no longer concerned about what lies ahead because we know it will be great. Even if you want something to happen in the future you must put yourself in the mindset that it is happening NOW. The vibration that you give off to the universe will return to you, so keep the good vibes going and rest assured that you will get what you want out of life. Your thoughts become things. Dueces until next week...


Monday, March 17, 2014

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....

Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime. As time goes by im learning more and more about the importance of having a good foundation.  We should all be students of the game and never stop learning. We need not rely on a handout, dont get me wrong handouts are cool if you know how to maneuver once you receive it, but if you dont know what your doing chances are your growth will be stunted. For instance, lottery winners often end up losing their money, why, because they don't have the right tools and foundation to build more fortune on top of the wealth and abundance they already have. My mind is not on a get rich quick scheme, its on learning the game and using it to my advantage. Feed your mind with positive books and audio everyday and watch as things start shifting in your reality.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Why Is Meditation A Key To Success?

Since Russel Simmons just released his book "Success Through Stillness" which talks directly about meditation. I figured this would be a good time to write about its benefits. 

Meditation is a great business tool. It not only allows you to enter a realm of calm in such a hectic world, but it also puts you in tune with the universe while bringing happiness to your life, there is nothing sacrilegious about it. Mental focus can be a huge attribute to your success. Ask 11 time world champion basketball coach Phil Jackson, he’s been incorporating this into his life and coaching style for years. Meditation can also bring intuitions/hunches to you that can change your life if you act on them. Some of the most successful people credit mediation as the tool that helped bring their dreams to fruition. ie. Russell Simmons, Oprah, Ellen Degeneres...

Ive been incorporating mediation daily since the start of this year and it has helped me tremendously. The amount of stress that is taken away from your life is crazy. If you live in a stress free environment, more time can be dedicated to doing things properly and without distraction. There are times when I need to get out of a funk, so i use mediation as a tool to clear my mind and only bring positive things into my thoughts. I can go on and on about the benefits, but do your own research if my blog hasnt sold you. It doesn't hurt to give mediation a shot, I guarantee if you stick with it you will experience the feeling of freedom and happiness. I'm not saying meditation alone will bring you success, but it is a phenomenal aid!


Monday, March 3, 2014

Create Your Own World Or Someone Else Will

When it comes to YOUR life you should be in the driver seat, no one else should have the ability to push the gas pedals. There's is so much joy and fulfillment in being an independant creator! We think for ourselves and do things on our own accord.

Some people however, start running into issues when they listen to what others say, work where they don't wanna work, or just flat out do things their heart is against. If you sit around stuck, with no direction in your life, its easy to get caught up in things that are a representation of someone else.

Its never to late to grab life by the horns and experience real hapiness. Don't let others' words jail your existence, you are meant for all things great! Start being more sure of the power within you, stay  positive about life, and as always Aim For Your Zenith!


Monday, February 24, 2014

You Are Worth More Than You Give Yourself Credit For

Abundance is everywhere and you have just as much right to it as anyone else! Often times people feel as if they are unworthy of the finer things in life. They say things like: "That new house is too nice for me", "that job position is too big", "that girl/guy is out of my league." Then they wonder why less than average things keep manifesting in their lives.

You've probably heard me say this before, anything you truly believe you can do and attain will come forth, as long as there is no doubt residing in your mind. You are worth more than you give yourself credit for, it all comes down to your belief and confidence level. 

I've finally stopped thinking like a loser and my life has started taking on a direction that it never has before. Doors are opening left and right for my partners and I, its no longer a surprise, its expected. I can finally see what I am capable of, nothing is out of my reach, NOTHING!  This is only the beginning, so put more value into your life and understand your worth, dont ever short change yourself. Just a little morning motivation to start this week off right!!!!


Monday, February 17, 2014

Having Perfect Faith (You Cant Ask For Success And Prepare For Failure)

**Believing in something even though you haven't seen it!**

Many of us want success and talk about it all the time, but you cant ask for success and prepare for failure, you only get what you are preparing for. Its all about what you believe in, a true test of faith. Faith is not about seeing your present position in life, its about knowing whats going to happen, with out a shadow of a doubt. Thats faith! You can talk about what your going to do and yada yada yada... but TALK IS CHEAP! Its all about the belief, the preparation, and then the manifestation,  people might call you crazy for leaving a good thing behind, but if you knew that something much better was on the horizon, its not that crazy now is it? Always be prepared for more abundance to enter your life.


Monday, February 10, 2014

Connect With People Who Remind You Of Who You Are

Connect with people who remind you of who you are. This is a powerful phrase and most times the circle of influence around a person usually determines the success they create for themselves. Those of you that know me best know im a positive dude, and the people that I associate with are no different. It is extremely difficult for a positive, high energy person to be around negativity, you will see that life gradually draws them away from it.
Ok soooo... what if you have a negative friend that always carries bad energy? Good question! Recently, I had a friend ask me for advice regarding this same situation, "My friend is always being so negative", "My friend is always in a bad mood", "I want to help her but shes just to negative for me", "Should I just forget about her and move on?". You can help a friend, just not to the point that they are bringing you down into the pits. The key is to be there enough to shed positive light in their life without spending all your time and energy doing so. Its kinda like your in for a little, then out for a little. At the end of the day this is your journey and no one should compromise that.
When you are around positivity, things flow smoother, life is easier, and your permanent stress free zone is created. We should always strive to be in "The Zone", it allows you to be confident in what your aiming to accomplish, and attracts the right things into your life. Next time you see a successful person, look at the people they are around most often, there is usually a gang of like minded individuals in their circle that are all on that same wave of positivity. My advice for you this week is to look at the people you are around the most and ask yourself "Are they riding the same wave im on?" This should be a big indicator of where you are headed in life.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fear Is Fatal To Success

As im sitting here reflecting on my goals for the month something is telling me to share this with you, so here we go! Today we are talking about fear. Fear is fatal to success. In a poor mans mind fear makes itself at home.

As ironic as it sounds, the things we run from are the things we run to, people that think about what they dont want actually attract more of the same. When you dwell on the unwanted in your life it becomes a part of you, it takes shape in your sub conscious. The key in all of this is to get away from negative thoughts, we all have them, but its what you do when they enter your mind that determines how it will effect you. You can either: (A) Keep thinking about them and worry yourself sick, or (B) Shift your thinking to a different more positive thought. I dont know about you but im rockin' with B! It only takes 17 seconds for a thought to begin to take effect on your reality, so when negative thoughts enter your head dont fight it, dont beat yourself up over it, simply take your mind off of it and think of the things that make you most happy. There have been experiments done that show how negative words and thoughts do damage, I just watched one the other day on youtube from Dr. Emoto that shows the effect a negative word has on the things around it, fascinating stuff, Click Here. So today im urging all of you to shift your thinking to the positive things you want and enjoy in life. I guarantee you will see a difference.


Monday, January 27, 2014

CONSISTANCY (You Cant Half Ass Your Way To The Glory)

What up yall! Im back with my weekly blog post. Today im going to talk about the importance of consistency. This is something I'm starting to get a lot better at. Not only consistency within yourself, but also consistency with others, it breeds success. I know you've all probably heard that if you stick with something long enough it will pay off. This is kinda true, kinda not. If you stay consistent with something, meaning if you are working at it everyday, getting better, striving towards your goals, then yes, you will indeed achieve your success. However if you just expect to half ass your way to the glory your sadly mistaken.

We are creatures of habit and the longer we do something the more habitual it becomes. Which means we can create successful habits that begin to influence our lives in a tremendous way. Being consistent effects the way others view you and also shows them that your a person that can be counted on. Thats exactly what you want! Author Stephen Covey in his book "7 habits of highly effective people" said In order to control your circle of influence you must work to make that circle bigger, and that starts by perfecting the things you can control, consistency is the best place to start, then you will surely see life around you change for the better. In a nutshell work on yourself and things around you will get better.

Monday, January 20, 2014


As kids we have the craziest imaginations, but as we get older and get a taste of the "Real World" that quickly changes. It seems like we are just to busy to have an imagination, with jobs and bills dominating our lives we rarely take time to sit down, be creative and imagine our selves in that new house, new car, or on that dream vacation to some secluded island. Having an imagination is a great success tool. Today you have the perfect opportunity to get it poppin!

Remember as kids when we would spend the whole day imagining everything under the sun so vividly.  Did you know the creativity that we had as kids is still in us? All we have to do is activate that part of our mind again. Recently I began tapping back into my imagination and visualizing the success I want. Since Ive started this month the changes in my life have been evident, a lot of awesome things are happening in my life. Im talking about meetings with the big wigs and other amazing opportunities you dont get everyday! The power of the mind will take you to great places if you allow it to and im riding that wave. Hop on it! I encourage yall to create a vision board and visualize (imagine yourself in the position you want to be in as if its happening right now). Not only does having an imagination take you away from your current situation, it also can help bring great things into your life. It can all start for you today so lets get it!


Monday, January 13, 2014


Now some of yall are probably looking at the title like "How is that remotely true? I dont have my own bisiness. Im not super rich. Im not thriving in my career." Thats because most people hear the term "Self Made" and automatically think of successful, innovative entrepreneurs, people who are making a great living, people doing things effectively on their own accord, people that have "made it". ie. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jay-Z, Tyler Perry to name a few. Truth is everyone is self made but only the successful will admit it. No one wants to think that their less than great circumstances are a result of what they have created.

I've come to the realization that the everything we've done in life, up to this point, have determined the position we are in at this very moment. Some people have gone through life hating where they are, not realizing that they created these unpleasant conditions. That's the other side of the self made spectrum that no one looks at. World renoun Author John Kehoe always says, "You will never be tremendously successful doing something you dont like", and that, my friends, is absolute realness. Why? Because in order to be truly happy you have to do what you love. No one is going to put their all into something that makes them miserable. We are all on the pursuit of happiness, a better, more fulfilling life, a life full of abundance. It all starts with doing what we love, doing it our way, grabbing life by the horns, and being the kind of self made person that everyone dreams about becoming.

For instance, I decided to up and leave Florida, walk away from everything I had going on there (School in particular), and begin to persue my music and entertainment career. So far so good! So my challange to you is to seek happiness, tap into your inner-self, find what it is your good at and make a career out of it. Go for the gusto! It might start as something small but it will grown into something you can do full time and begin seeing all the fruits you deserve!


Monday, January 6, 2014


One of the biggest speed bumps in the road to abundance is setting goals correctly. To be honest, alot of people don't have any goals for themselves, they are kinda lost in the fog. They may have an undeveloped idea of what they want to achieve, but in most cases thats not gunna cut it! The key to goal setting is first WRITING THEM DOWN, second making them CLEAR AND DEFINED, and third STICKING WITH THEM. What better time to set your goals than right now, the start of the new year! I just set mine and was as clear and concise as possible. Goal setting brings so much clarity to us and can bring forth a life changing transformation, from average Joe to super successful Multi-Millionaire! Every successful person sets goals. Your not an average Joe are you?
-Aim For Your Zenith