Connect with people who remind you of who you are. This is a powerful phrase and most times the circle of influence around a person usually determines the success they create for themselves. Those of you that know me best know im a positive dude, and the people that I associate with are no different. It is extremely difficult for a positive, high energy person to be around negativity, you will see that life gradually draws them away from it.
Ok soooo... what if you have a negative friend that always carries bad energy? Good question! Recently, I had a friend ask me for advice regarding this same situation, "My friend is always being so negative", "My friend is always in a bad mood", "I want to help her but shes just to negative for me", "Should I just forget about her and move on?". You can help a friend, just not to the point that they are bringing you down into the pits. The key is to be there enough to shed positive light in their life without spending all your time and energy doing so. Its kinda like your in for a little, then out for a little. At the end of the day this is your journey and no one should compromise that.
When you are around positivity, things flow smoother, life is easier, and your permanent stress free zone is created. We should always strive to be in "The Zone", it allows you to be confident in what your aiming to accomplish, and attracts the right things into your life. Next time you see a successful person, look at the people they are around most often, there is usually a gang of like minded individuals in their circle that are all on that same wave of positivity. My advice for you this week is to look at the people you are around the most and ask yourself "Are they riding the same wave im on?" This should be a big indicator of where you are headed in life.