Monday, January 13, 2014


Now some of yall are probably looking at the title like "How is that remotely true? I dont have my own bisiness. Im not super rich. Im not thriving in my career." Thats because most people hear the term "Self Made" and automatically think of successful, innovative entrepreneurs, people who are making a great living, people doing things effectively on their own accord, people that have "made it". ie. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jay-Z, Tyler Perry to name a few. Truth is everyone is self made but only the successful will admit it. No one wants to think that their less than great circumstances are a result of what they have created.

I've come to the realization that the everything we've done in life, up to this point, have determined the position we are in at this very moment. Some people have gone through life hating where they are, not realizing that they created these unpleasant conditions. That's the other side of the self made spectrum that no one looks at. World renoun Author John Kehoe always says, "You will never be tremendously successful doing something you dont like", and that, my friends, is absolute realness. Why? Because in order to be truly happy you have to do what you love. No one is going to put their all into something that makes them miserable. We are all on the pursuit of happiness, a better, more fulfilling life, a life full of abundance. It all starts with doing what we love, doing it our way, grabbing life by the horns, and being the kind of self made person that everyone dreams about becoming.

For instance, I decided to up and leave Florida, walk away from everything I had going on there (School in particular), and begin to persue my music and entertainment career. So far so good! So my challange to you is to seek happiness, tap into your inner-self, find what it is your good at and make a career out of it. Go for the gusto! It might start as something small but it will grown into something you can do full time and begin seeing all the fruits you deserve!


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